Titanos News

Eco-friendly Coating Come into Fashion

Time: 2013-05-10 Source from: www.titanos.com

Much more emphasis will be laid on long-lasting and environment-friendly coatings as environment protection gets increasingly vital for most economies.

Environment-friendly coatings mainly refer to high-solid coatings and solventless coatings, and even 100 percent solid coatings have already occurred. Around forty percent of usual anti-corrosive coating are made up of volatiles, most of which is organic solvent——a main air polluter after volatilization, and that is why high-solid coatings with low volatilization rate are so important for the coatings industry.

Anti-corrosive coatings with 95 percent solid content have already been created and applied to oilfield and hydroelectricity industries overseas, and domestic thermosetting powder coating output has already become world’s largest in 2002. With a growth rate of 25 percent for years, our output of thermosetting powder coatings has reached 0.5 million tonne in 2005, which accounts for 12.5 percent of industrial coating.

In recent years, heavy-duty coating products has accounted for 7 percent of coating market in industrialized countries, and the three frequently-used types of resin in heavy-duty coating production are epoxy resin, polyurethane and chloric vinyl resin. With lower cost and less pollution, the new products are very likely to get wide application in the future.
